You know what sucks? "Springtime" on Martha's Vineyard. I know, I know... Just a few months ago I was asking you to please stop complaining about the snow and the ice and the cold, and here I am, faced with a little rain and mud, whining my hypocritical heart out. But it's just so... fickle, you know? Sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy, warm, calm, stormy... And even Miss Pollyanna Farm Blogger is left to stare longingly at the still unmade bed and fantasize about crawling back into that down comforter cave with her cubs until the warm weather is back for real.
Not that the kids are any help. It's all, "Mommy, can I go upstairs and watch cartoons in your bed? Your bed is sooooo cooooozy!" And, "Can we wear our jammies all day today? These jammies are so soooooft and coooooozyyy..." Well, you get the picture. We like our cozy around these parts. And our jammies. This might be the hardest part about parenting for me: the whole motivation, setting a good example thing. And maybe it's a big part of why I have allowed farming to invade my cozy little jammied life. Modern life is too convenient for a lazybones like me. If left to my own devices, I might be one of those people who orders pizza delivery online, or microwaves a plastic container of food by-products and calls it dinner.
Not that the kids are any help. It's all, "Mommy, can I go upstairs and watch cartoons in your bed? Your bed is sooooo cooooozy!" And, "Can we wear our jammies all day today? These jammies are so soooooft and coooooozyyy..." Well, you get the picture. We like our cozy around these parts. And our jammies. This might be the hardest part about parenting for me: the whole motivation, setting a good example thing. And maybe it's a big part of why I have allowed farming to invade my cozy little jammied life. Modern life is too convenient for a lazybones like me. If left to my own devices, I might be one of those people who orders pizza delivery online, or microwaves a plastic container of food by-products and calls it dinner.
Okay, maybe not. But I am lazy. And susceptible to certain seasonal-type afflictions. Last year I had lambing to get me through the April doldrums, but this year I have had to seek distraction elsewhere. Any suggestions? Here's one that worked for me today. I'd better get outside while I've still got these rose colored glasses on...